
Showing posts from January, 2021

Working from Home with a Submissive Boy

  My audio latest story  'Under the Desk'  got me thinking a lot about working from home, which I'm doing at the moment. It does have its perks, but it can also be stressful for your working life to interact so closely with your home life.  So I started having fantasies about having a stay at home boy and how nice it would be to be brought coffee and get shoulder massages ... and anything else that might go on in the home office (wink wink). As most of you who read my blog know I have a service kink. But I also love self-sufficiency and independence. Balancing those sometimes can be really difficult. Having a stressful work day gives you the perfect excuse to allow someone to pamper you.  So yeah everyone. This is going to be another fantasy post (because obviously there is nothing going on in real life right now. We're still in deep in lockdown here) So he would rise before me and bring a cup of tea to me in bed. I'd sit up and relax (if this were the weekend maybe

What is it with me and nipples?

  I would not say that I have an obsession for nipples, at least to the extent to which I like a nice bottom on a boy. Still, there is something about nipples that are inherently seductive. I understand the draw for men to women's breasts. There is something primeval there driving that attraction.  But, as the title of this post states, "What is it with me and nipples?" I like to do a lot of self-reflection and I think that is good in any life style but in Domme/sub lifestyle all the more. Boys need to learn to improve their behaviour and become more effective at serving their mistresses and mistresses need to be aware of their mindset so as not to overstep and potential harm someone under their care.  Maybe that is why I like Domme/sub. I have always been an introspective person. I like to examine behaviour (both of others and my own). So maybe that is why this question has been bugging me so much. So I'd like your help in solving it.  So I'll lay out my fascinat

Too Much Self-love?

I'm not going to be coy here. I masturbate too much lately. Another thing that separates me from a lot of other Dommes is that I do not believe that just because you are dominant you get to masturbate whenever you want.  I value self-discipline. If I am going to demand that from people I'm controlling I am damned well going to lead by example.  I definitely get to cum a lot more than any boy I deal with but if I can't control myself then what the hell am I doing trying to exert control over someone else.  I usually find the pleasure of others so much more satisfying than my own but I think it is lockdown and being separated from human contact that makes me so keen to masturbate so often ... like every day. If one of my boys did this I wouldn't be best impressed.  I think I mostly do it out of sheer boredom.  But at the same time I am so busy with work and creating my audio erotica that I am almost working all day. Still, when I get into bed and try to relax I end up to

UPDATE on Boy's Discipline

I posted on the 19th of December  asking for advice about a boy of mine who is very clingy. I want to stress that I have nothing against emotional vulnerability or even clinginess but are thing I value is self-sufficiency. I provide discipline for two boys. One is very self-sufficient. The other, not so much.  In short he asks for things from me which he should be providing for himself at least at this stage of his development as a disciplined boy. Thankfully I received some very good advice from my  Patrons. Here is the advice I received: Take away his phone privileges Temporarily remove my presence in his life Have him write a self-reflective essay Restrict contact through reward system  Two of these I didn't think suited me or my boy's needs. One I found helpful and the other was a really good idea.  So first let's talk about the ones that weren't suitable.  Taking away phone privileges (i.e. ordering him not to phone me) would restrict me from providing discipline

New Year's Resolutions for Submissive Boys (and January Schedule)

  Happy New Year boys. I hope this will be a year where people can finally start meeting new people. I miss meeting new boys but obviously that hasn't been possible since the start of the year.  My optimism leads me to believe that this will be a much better year. So I working on some New Year's resolutions for any boys out there who want to follow them.  Do more chores I know this is one I talk about all the time but it is an important one. Domestic service is a big part of submission, especially if you take your submission outside of the bedroom.  Try role play Role play with a power dynamic concept is a great way to anchor yourself in submission. If you play Boss/employee, teacher/student, or anything else you put yourself in a state where you are meant to be deferential. So it feels more natural. Practice self-discipline Another thing I preach on my blog is the importance of boys being self-sufficient. It is more than natural to put a woman in charge of your life but woman