What is it with me and nipples?

 I would not say that I have an obsession for nipples, at least to the extent to which I like a nice bottom on a boy. Still, there is something about nipples that are inherently seductive. I understand the draw for men to women's breasts. There is something primeval there driving that attraction. 

But, as the title of this post states, "What is it with me and nipples?"

I like to do a lot of self-reflection and I think that is good in any life style but in Domme/sub lifestyle all the more. Boys need to learn to improve their behaviour and become more effective at serving their mistresses and mistresses need to be aware of their mindset so as not to overstep and potential harm someone under their care. 

Maybe that is why I like Domme/sub. I have always been an introspective person. I like to examine behaviour (both of others and my own). So maybe that is why this question has been bugging me so much.

So I'd like your help in solving it. 

So I'll lay out my fascination for you:

  • Woman's nipples are fine but hold little attractive for you. Maybe it is their functionality that makes me view them differenly. 
  • Men's nipples are much cuter. 
  • I love touching them but the real turn on for me is to watch a boy play with them himself. This is a massive turn on for me. 
  • Nipple clamps are sexy piercings not so much (I don't hate them I could just do without them)
So I'll give you a scenario with a boy that will help paint a picture:

A boy is naked in front of me on his knees with his thighs spread. I order him to play with his nipples as I sip a glass of wine. I turn on the television and pretend not to be interested but he is much more enrapturing than the television. I just love putting him in a headspace that makes him want to please me. He squeezes his little nubs harder and harder in an attempt to get me to notice him. He whines and whines as he gets rougher with himself. I shush him and tell him to be more gentle. Then go back to sipping wine and watching TV, keeping one eye on him and getting so wet between my legs. Eventually when I feel like he has had enough I tell him to straddle my lap without letting go of his nipples. I slowly and methodically jerk him off as he continually puts on a show for me. 

So boys what do you think? Have you ever known any other women who had a fascination with men's nipples? And what about you? Do you like having your nipples played with?


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