Working from Home with a Submissive Boy

 My audio latest story 'Under the Desk' got me thinking a lot about working from home, which I'm doing at the moment. It does have its perks, but it can also be stressful for your working life to interact so closely with your home life. 

So I started having fantasies about having a stay at home boy and how nice it would be to be brought coffee and get shoulder massages ... and anything else that might go on in the home office (wink wink).

As most of you who read my blog know I have a service kink. But I also love self-sufficiency and independence. Balancing those sometimes can be really difficult. Having a stressful work day gives you the perfect excuse to allow someone to pamper you. 

So yeah everyone. This is going to be another fantasy post (because obviously there is nothing going on in real life right now. We're still in deep in lockdown here)

So he would rise before me and bring a cup of tea to me in bed. I'd sit up and relax (if this were the weekend maybe we'd snuggle in bed together, but it's not so) he goes downstairs and prepares breakfast. When I finish my tea I get washed and dressed before heading down to breakfast, maybe pancakes, or French Toast. We would chat while we eat. A lot of people talk about the importance of destressing after work but it is very important to relax before work. 

Then it is time to go to go into my home office and get started on the day. I haven't managed to get a proper desk for my purposes yet. It is on its way but not here yet. So you can imagine the back problems. In addition to bringing me snacks and coffee he would give me shoulder massages. 

I can just imagine a boy right now massaging my shoulders because they ache like all hell. His large, strong fingers digging into my tense muscles. Maybe he would be naughty and they would travel down the front of my shirt (webcam and microphone off, obviously). I'd so want him to carry on but I can't get distracted. 

If we wanted to be really naughty I would put him under the desk ... once I get an appropriate desk. He would just sit there. Maybe a foot massage. Of course I wouldn't keep him under there all day but it is nice having a boy at your feet ready to service you whenever you need. It is nice to know that if I choose to taken a fifteen minute break, ready made relaxation and entertainment is right there. 

If I choose not to use him during the day then I would absolutely get him to run his tongue across my clit until I orgasm. 

At least before he gets dinner ready ;)

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