
The State of Gentle Domination

  I apologise, that this is not going to be the usual blog post but I have been thinking long and hard about where I want to go with my writing and recording. I love doing it and my patrons are amazing. Feedback and likes and comments keep motivation high and help me think of new ideas.  However, I seem to have hit a brick wall for the last number of months as to gaining listeners. So ideas for how to get my work out there a little bit more has been on my mind. Literotica has been great. In terms of its whole purpose as a site, it is perfect for my work.  Considering the fact that Gentle Domination is not as popular as it's bigger, meaner sibling, I was surprised by the people who said that this was the kind of domination they craved. So clearer there is demand out there for my kind of work. I just don't know how large or small.  Literotica seems to have given all that it can to me in terms of an audience. Not that I will stop posting there, no way, I love the community. Still,

Spanking Chronicles: Hand

Now that we have been through all the spanking positions I am familiar with we are going to move on to implements. If anyone has any positions I missed out let me know. So, the first implement is the hand. Everyone will associate this with spanking and it is the most common one.  Guide for use: Focus on the palm. Flex back the thumb so you can land good, flat strikes. It is also good to run your hand over the buttocks to get a good feel for the skin, improve your aim and find sensitive spots. If you put too much pressure on the fingers when your smack lands the smack will not be as effective.  Range: Short range. Obviously your range is only as long as your arm but the hand tends to be used in positions considered more intimate. As a result the range is usually shorter.  Pain: It depends on the strength of the spanker (true for all implements of course) but this one is at the lowest end of the pain scale. Hitting hurts the spanker's palm and a hand is a softer implements than any o

Spanking Chronicles: Lying Flat

Welcome back to the Spanking Chronicles. A series of blog posts where I lay out different spanking positions in details and go over how effective and appropriate they are before giving you my personal thoughts and ranking them. This week's position is a little boring but no less important as a result. This one is: Lying Flat. Description: Not much needs to be said for this position. The spankee lays face down on a flat surface and the spanker rains smacks from above. There is not much variation to this position and its comfort level really depends on what one is lying on. The spanker can order the back to be arched for better aim, or the buttocks to be clenched for greater pain. Either way, this one is pretty standard.  Effectiveness: This can be a very effective position for a painful punishment. The surface supports the whole body so the spankee can be kept there for as long as the spanker wants. Plus, gravity does a lot of work in maximizing the amount of pain that is dealt out

Spanking Chronicles: Diaper Position

So, here is one that is neither used frequently or infrequently. You will recognise it but it is less popular that many other positions on this list. This is one that can be quite painful for the sub in comparison to others but it is not torturous pain. It is also a very vulnerable position that can induce humiliation. It is commonly known as: The Diaper Position.  Description: Spankee must lie on a flat surface, on their back, and bring their legs into the air exposing their arse. Some mistress' will get their boys to hold their legs. This is good practice as it keeps the legs where the are supposed to be. They can also put their hands under their tail bone to elevate the arse somewhat, giving the mistress a better target.  Effectiveness. I recommend making the boy hold his legs up. Not only because it is efficient on keeping everything where it is supposed to be but also because it induces the feeling on participation in the spanking. He is not just lying there and letting it hap

Arranged Marriage Series: Jason's Character

  Hello all,  I'm taking a break from the Spanking Chronicles series this week to bring you musings and questions about my series of  stories involving Maria and Jason. To be honest I've mostly just been making this up as I got along which is why the chapters are episodic in nature. They are just little slice of life short stories based on whatever romantic or naughty scenario I happen to have on my mind that day.  I was wondering if it was worth turning it into a full blown narrative with a story from beginning to end. Though I think that would limit me in terms of the situations I could put these two in. Still, that doesn't mean I can't develop them. Jason has already started to grow in his tastes for kinky sexy and started to understand that it is all natural and he doesn't need to be ashamed of it. And Maria is weak for how beautiful and cheeky he is but is so far doing a great job on not letting that affect how she handles him. If he needs a proper punishment

Spanking Chronicles: On My Lap

Welcome back to the Spanking Chronicles, the weekly series where I look at different spanking positions and measure their effectiveness and appropriateness before giving my thoughts on them. I wasn't really sure what to call this week's position as I am not sure if it actually has a widely used name. And no 'On My Lap' is not what you think it is.  Description: This position requires the spanker to be seated. The spankee will then sit on the spanker's lap with their back to them and bend over so that their upper body is draped across her thighs. It also helps for the spankee to arch his back and push the ass up. This one unlike OTK puts the ass right in front of the spanker.  Effectiveness: This position is effective in much the same way OTK is but unlike that one there is less chance of the boy wriggling around. He can also cling to your legs for support which heightens the intimacy of the act. It is effective for hand spankings but I think it is mostly good paire

Spanking Chronicles: Squatting

Welcome again to the Spanking Chronicles. If this is your first time joining us, this is a series where I look at different positions for spanking, look at their effectiveness, appropriateness, and my own feelings about them before rating them. You'd be surprised how many different positions there are for spanking. This one is a little unorthodox and not one people usually think of. So this one should be fun to explore and I'm sure we'll learn something new.  Description: The spankee must bend their knees and maintain a squat position while providing easy access for the spanker. This position is quite unique as the spanker has to swing upwards rather then downwards or side ways. Sideways swings can also be used but I recommend avoided downward strikes as there is increased risk of hitting the lower back. This has the potential to damage the spankee's kidneys. Please never do this.  Effectiveness: In my experience this position is not all that effective in getting a hard