Spanking Chronicles: Hand

Now that we have been through all the spanking positions I am familiar with we are going to move on to implements. If anyone has any positions I missed out let me know. So, the first implement is the hand. Everyone will associate this with spanking and it is the most common one. 

Guide for use: Focus on the palm. Flex back the thumb so you can land good, flat strikes. It is also good to run your hand over the buttocks to get a good feel for the skin, improve your aim and find sensitive spots. If you put too much pressure on the fingers when your smack lands the smack will not be as effective. 

Range: Short range. Obviously your range is only as long as your arm but the hand tends to be used in positions considered more intimate. As a result the range is usually shorter. 

Pain: It depends on the strength of the spanker (true for all implements of course) but this one is at the lowest end of the pain scale. Hitting hurts the spanker's palm and a hand is a softer implements than any of the others will will cover in this series. So pain in relatively minimal. 


  • This is what you should begin with if you are a novice spanker. You need to feel a little bit of what the sub is feeling in order to judge how hard to hit.
  • Take breaks. You will be able to extend the punishment if you give your hand a rest. Plus the waiting is usually worse than anything else. 
  • Rub the sub's arse. This can be very soothing and intimate. It can also serve to remind the sub that they are still in punishment mode even if pain is not being inflicted right that moment and they should still behave. 
  • Grab flesh in between spanks. Pinching, grabbing and squeezing can be very effective. 
  • Vary your strikes. Hard, soft, fast, slow. It is good to keep variety especially if you don't want to take breaks and want to avoid your hand getting sore. 

My feelings: This is the one I use most often. I do use implements but considering my discipline style (which is more psychological) I don't feel I need them as much as others may. Once again the intimacy of skin to skin contact is a big plus. 


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