
Showing posts from April, 2021

Spanking Chronicles: Over the Knee

  This is the start of a series of blog posts I will be doing about different methods and positions of spanking, their effectiveness, their appropriateness, and how I personally feel about them.  So let's start with an old classic: Over the Knee Description: Over the Knee is pretty self explanatory. The spanker is sitting and the spankee lies across the knee with their arse either in the center or at the edge of one thigh. This is a position that is perfect for hand spanking but also permits the use of certain smaller implements. It's a position that is comfortable for both parties so focus can be placed entirely on the punishment. Effectiveness: This is very effective for boys who crave comfort or are prone to feeling guilty.  A quick punishment can be administered in this position if you want to administer corner time. If he has been standing for his punishment (especially a long one) you probably don't want to leave him standing in the corner for too long. It is effecti

Mutual Masturbation

  This is something I haven't explored in my stories all that much but I am surprised because I've always had a slightly voyeuristic streak. I guess I did cover this a little in my  'Watching Pleasure'  blog post. In that I laid out why I think watching subs masturbate is arousing but that was mostly surrounding my obedience kink and how the idea of them obeying me and stripping themselves bare (physically and emotionally) just because I told them to is what is hot.  However there is the plain and simple aspect of just thinking that the image of someone pleasure themselves is hot.  When you are in the hands of another there is a certain amount of control you have to surrender. That means there is also a certain amount of pressure removed. If you are doing it yourself there can be either an ease or a desperation depending on the circumstance.  Ease: If you are in no hurry then pleasuring your own cock can be easy because you set the pace and give yourself what you need.


Hey all, it's going to be a short post this week because I have a few things I want to announce.  First: Someone has been taking my stories and putting them onto Youtube. It was incredibly frustrating, not to mention disrespectful.  Thankfully, I filed a copyright claim and had them taken down fairly quickly. However I have two boys to discipline in real life, a full time job, a social life to try and maintain during these times, and as much as I adore my stories and the boys who listen and support me it is certainly stressful.  Don't worry boys I'm not stopping.  That brings me to my second point: Do you think putting these on Youtube will garner any interest? The Patreon only content will remain Patreon only but I was thinking of double posting, Literotica and Youtube. I know ad money is pennies and it probably won't make much but I want to know if it is worth the effort because it means I'll be making a video format as well as an audio one. Not much more work but

Home Renovations

More a life update than anything else however it did give me some thoughts on submissive scenarios.  So the news is that I am having renovations done on my home. Mostly remodeling the bathroom and opening up the kitchen. Suffice to say that means that the are men in my home whom I'm ordering around.  So that bring up the question of how you make sure to remain dominant in a situation where you haven't agreed on these roles before hand.  It is quite simple. You make use of any position you are in and find how you are in control.  This one is straight forward become not only are you the customer but they are also operating in you home. So there are plenty things that put you in control of the situation.  Still you have to be smart about it because if you just start stomping around making demands you will be branded nothing more than a difficult customer rather than someone people 'want' to serve.  The important thing is to always smile and ask gently but make it known tha