I Had a Dream

I had a dream. A dream of flying to a nice hotel with a nice boy and just relaxing. I didn't see the sun or the nice pool or anything. I think this is quite telling as I am a traveler at heart. I love seeing new places and having adventures. That is one of the things that I have missed so much. 

I have been to Rome, Ghana, Japan, America and beyond. Sadly though I have never travelled with a boy. So it is incredibly telling that my unconscious mind dreamt up an ideal holiday scenario of just me and a boy in a nice hotel room. 

Sadly the dream ended arriving in the room. Dreams are annoying like that. Which is why my conscious mind is now picking up where it left off. 

So we'd check into the hotel, my boy hanging back while  make the arrangements. We get shown to the room and I lie down on the bed while my boy takes off my boots and rubs my feet. We'll listen to some romantic music and order room service. 

The room service boy probably won't blink when he walks in with our dinner. He'll probably wish he was in my boy's position. We'll eat dinner, me feeding him by hand when the mood strikes me and him waiting patiently to be fed. 

When night comes, he'll run me a bath, we'll get in together and he will wash my back and hair. I'll dare him to hold his breath and eat me out under water. If he can't manage it I won't be angry. We'll drain the bath and he'll stick his tongue inside me while I grip his wet hair. 

If he'd lucky and does a good job I'll let him bring himself to orgasm in front of me. (I love watching boys pleasure themselves).

We would doubtless be going out for many fun adventures for the rest of the holiday but that would be our first day away together. 

So boys, what is your ideal vacation with a mistress?

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