Sunday Morning Routine

I, all of a sudden got nostalgic for my Sunday routine. 

Working all week and having my hobbies on Saturday, Sunday is really the only day that I fully relax. 

I have a lie-in and (if I can get a hold of a boy for the day) breakfast and coffee in bed. I would just lie in bed, read the newspaper and be satisfied in the knowledge that I had a boy in my flat taking care of the chores. 

 I mentioned in a previous post why I find men doing chores so sexy.

Don't get me wrong, I am not lucky enough to have this every Sunday, not even most Sundays. Just every now and then I would call up one of my boys (or they would call me) and they would come around to serve me. 

I know the big question you are asking. Is the boy naked? 

Well, that depends. I have two boys I discipline regularly. I do NOT receive money for this. I wouldn't if it was offered. Femdom is not a transactional relationship for me. It kind of cheapens it. I am happy to be paid for my erotica, my audio dramas, and even casual online play, but not to be someone's domme. So this is the way my boys repay me. 

My relationships with them are not sexual so they complete their chores fully clothed. 

However, if I happen to be in a sexual relationship with someone this is something I require from them. Of course I will give them some lee-way if there is something else they genuinely need to do but I do expect to be served on a Sunday. In this case, yes, the boy will be naked. 

Here is the routine:

10:00am: Wake up with breakfast and coffee served to me.
10:00-10:30am: Boy cleans kitchen and vacuums.
11:00am: Mistress gets out of bed and showers (if mistress is in a sexual relationship with the boy, boy will bring mistress to orgasm with his mouth before shower). 
11:00am-12:30pm: Boy does laundry and cleans bathroom after shower before preparing lunch for mistress to eat later. 
12:30pm: Mistress will have her feet rubbed. 

If it is one of my boys whom I discipline they are free for the rest of the day. If not he will be at my beck and call for whatever I want. 

I was actually fairly glad that this was only an occasional thing because if it happened regularly I think I would get bored. I consider myself very independent and I think to do things for myself. So having a boy do everything for me would be annoying. 

This way it feels more like a treat. 

Sadly though, this has not been possible with the restrictions. I'll admit I have been irresponsible with social distancing because my boys need discipline. We do take all the precautions but I am still entering a house I shouldn't. I do this because discipline is essential for the health of these boys. 

Unfortunately, I can't make the same justification for my lazy Sundays. 

Are there any other mistresses or boys out there who are having to deal with the challenges of social distancing? How do you deal with it?

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