Femdom Voyeurism -- Is watching pleasure better than being pleasured yourself?

I don't know about everyone else but what turns me on even more than good boys lavishing attention on me is watching them pleasure themselves (especially at my command). 

Obedience is my personal kink. It's kind of weird. Even in a non sexual setting, people doing as they are told is a huge turn on for me. Ordering a boy to make me a cup of tea and having him do it without thinking gives me a tingling feeling. 

So a great hobby of mine is instructing boys on how to pleasure themselves. Many boys who get into a submissive mindset need the instruction because when you are in a state that vulnerable, your faculties are not working properly. In order to start thinking again you need to pull yourself out of submission a little. That ruins the play quite a lot. 

Keep in mind that I don't think it is healthy to remain in a submissive state for too long. The important thing about a high is that you come down from it. 

So what does all this have to do with Voyuerism?

Well, I have been asking myself this question for years. Why do I get more turned on by watching pleasure than being pleasured myself? 

I spoke about this in a earlier post, but my views on Female Led Relationships is a combination of dominance and nurturing. I have always been very dominant and very feminine at the same time. My want for control is important but my need to take care of people (men in particular) is very prominent in my thinking. I suspect that when I was discovering my sexuality these two things merged to make me the Femme Domme I am today. 

Nothing turns me on more than taking care of a boy who puts his entire trust in me. My view point is that if someone is trusting you that much then you are the one who needs to put the effort in because you are the one getting the gift. If you are a dominant person, someone comes to you looking for guidance, and you agree to be their leader then they are your responsibility. 

So I guess you could say it is the trust and vulnerability that is so sexy. The knowledge that the good boy in front of me is in such a state that he will do anything I tell him with no questions makes me feel powerful. 

On a dangerous note, part of the excitement comes from the fact that I could easily abuse that power if I wanted to but the pride I have in my self-control and the care I have for the boy means that I would never do that. 

I feel like like a wild animal with a delicious piece of meat in front of me, but I am not an animal. I am a human being and a leader with responsibilities and self-control so there is a sense of pride in my ability to stop myself. 

Even though the devil on my shoulder whispers, "Do it. Do it."

Check out my Voyeuristic Guided Masturbation here: July Guided Masturbation


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