Spanking Chronicles: Free Standing

Part 3 of the Spanking Chronicles is going to be covering the spanking position 'Free Standing'. This one is a little different from the others we've looked at and and you'll see why soon. As usual we are going to describe it and discuss its effectiveness, appropriateness, and my personal feelings on it. 

Description: So this one is the rare spanking where the spankee has nothing to brace themselves again. They are just standing in place. (There are a few others like this but they are position holders and we'll cover them later). This one is just standing while getting spanked. There is less expectation for the spankee to stand still (which we will cover when we get to appropriateness). Movement is okay as long as they are not running away from their punishment.

Appropriateness: This is not suitable for proper punishment spankings. This is usually only appropriate for if the boy needs a quick reminder or a sharp turn back to reality. If the infraction is mild then this might be a good way to go (remember things can be readdressed in maintenance spankings). So for example just say he was in a daydream and didn't hear what you said, no need to get angry, he's human. Just give him a quick swat on the backside to bring him back down to earth. Another thing it is suitable for is quick but impactful punishments. Say for example, you get some backtalk it is good to grab his wrist and give him some good hard smacks to the arse until he says sorry. Again, this can be addressed if you performance maintenance. Use it is you are short on time. 

Effectiveness: It is mostly effective in the short term. If he is having long term behavioural issues then this will do no good. It is effective when it comes to getting boys to pay attention. It is less a punishment, more a tool to get a boy moving and doing what he should in the moment. It is mostly effective on good boys who only need reminders but I would recommend a stricter discipline structure for subs who require more maintenance. 

My Feelings: I don't have the same strong feeling I had about the previous two but I do use this one sometimes. There is no time to savour it so it is not all that fun but I do respect it for its importance as a disciplinary tool. 

Final scores: Versatility = 5/10. Pain = 3/10 (depends on your swing). Humiliation = 6/10 (depends on present company). Comfort 9/10 (since it's quick probably not that uncomfortable). My personal score= 7/10 (due to it's usefulness).

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