Update on Boy's Discipline

I wrote a post a while back asking for advice about a needy boy. For those of you that aren't regular readers, I provide discipline for two boys. One is pretty self-sufficient but the other is significantly more needy. I get that a lot of subs want a relationship where the Domme tells them what to do all the time but for me, competency, intelligence, self-sufficiency, and mind of one's own and important qualities I look for in a sub. I like to be in charge but doing everything is exhausting. 

So I asked for some advice on how to handle this situation. I had tried:

  • Punishing him for time wasting
  • Providing self discipline guidelines
  • Asking a female friend of his to keep an eye on his state
I received some great advice that I implemented into my discipline routine but things like this take long term work. So decided to let you all know what is happening three months on. 

In short, things have gotten better but he is still insanely needy. I can tell he is trying but I think he just likes the human contact and with COVID perhaps he is feeling more needy than usual. 

I had to give him a virtual spanking yesterday. We are still in lockdown in my country so face to face was out of the question. 

I told him to chose between a wooden spoon and a hair brush and to have it ready by the time we started the call. He chose the wooden spoon. (Probably easier to use on one's self). 

When the call started I told him to strip and bend over, making sure the camera was positioned so I could see his ass. It was nice and white and perky. Perfect for spanking. Since I haven't done it in a while I wished I could have done it myself but sadly I just had to control the situation through my words. 

I ordered a few light warm-up spanks just to get him ready. Then I ordered 20 on each cheek. When I felt he wasn't hitting hard enough I gave him an extra five. This encouraged him to be little rougher with himself. 

Once he was done it was corner time. He stayed in view of the camera while he stood in the corner with his hands on his head and I poured a glass of wine, leaving him there for 10 minutes. 

Afterwards, it was time for aftercare. I order him out of the corner, soothed him and promised that all was forgotten. I asked him how he thought he was doing with his discipline routine but we didn't go into depth. We'll save that for his check-up session. 

So question this week is, how have you been maintaining discipline with less face time?


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