Preview for Audio Story (Plus Commentary)

 So, I've been quite wrapped up in this historical fiction I am writing to be audio published on my patreon. So I decided this blog post was going to have a little preview snippet with commentary from me. Commentary will be in red. 

It would be forever dubbed the incident in her mind because if she thought of it as anything else she would feel a blush cover her entire face. Dominant people are always portrayed as pillars of strength who feel nothing but dominant. I hate that. It started when Elijah decided to go on any evening ride. He ordered her to get his riding crop, reasonable as it was her job, then he said, “on second thought, get the longer one … no, no actually the first one.”

I was interested in this story because dominance can be more than just a matter of gender. In history class always trumped gender. So for matriarchal history fiction I wanted to explore that dynamic. 

He was doing this on purpose. It was when he dropped the riding crop and told her to pick it up that she snapped. She bent over and could feel his eyes on her. Her hands gripped the riding crop and she stood up slowly. She kept her back to him for a moment, allowing her displeasure to be portrayed through her posture. She then turned around and took the biggest risk of her life, “Your horse is incredibly well behaved. I think you shouldn’t have to whip him so much. You on the other hand …”

She let the words linger, testing the waters to see how far she could get. As she turned around to examine his features she could see that they held shock, not anger, just shock and a hint fo something else. Something sinful. She took a step towards him, the riding crop held aloft. “I’ve seen the way you address The Lady of the house and potential suitors. Granted I don’t know how aristos treat their men but if one of my brothers behaved the way you do, I would have them over my knee in one second flat.”

Jeanie (the name of the woman character) has a lot of respect for men and feels protective but also has a very specific idea of how they should behave. So that is why this bothers her so much. 

A small, whimpering noise came out of his mouth and she knew she had won. He wanted discipline. Oh boy yes he does :) It was probably something he had been lacking his whole life. He was acting out because he wanted a woman to take him in hand. Still, it couldn’t be her. Could it? She was still risking an awful lot. He may change his mind and tell his mother, in which case she was in big trouble. As a lowly stable girl she shouldn’t even be allowed to be within touching distance of a lord. Of course aristocrats had clandestine affairs with those of a lower station, so perhaps that was something the young lord wanted to entertain. If she could gain enough favour from him then getting her brother good, honest, women to take care of them would be a whole lot easier. Maybe even a shop keeper’s daughter. Someone with a business. It was that thought that spurred her on. The chance of reward. It's this kind of dynamic I am interesting in. One person is in a position of power but is submissive, the other is dominant but the only power she has is psychological which is what matter the most. 

“Has your momma every given you a good spanking?”


“Well that's a shame because if anyone needs one it is you. Do you need one?” What about you boys? Think he needs one? ;)

“Um y-yes?”

“Is that a question or an answer?”

“An answer, yes, yes I need a spanking.”

“And why do you need a spanking?”

“Because I’ve been bad.”

“How have you been bad?”

“I’ve been disrespectful and bratty. It’s unbecoming of a gentleman.”

“It sure is. So, why don’t you pull your trousers down until they are just below your arse, and go stand in that corner with your hands on your head until I’m ready for you.”

So boys what do you think? An interesting power dynamic or do you just like straight forward all and nothing when it comes to power?


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