More Basic Submissive Positions

 A while ago I created a blog post concerning basic positions for submissive boys to practice. I thought it would be a good idea to follow up on that with some more. These ones are a little bit more difficult but not especially strenuous. I advise all submissive boys to practice these on a regular basis. Remember, posture is everything. 


Many people call this all fours but there are a couple of all fours positions. Table is a position where the back is flat enough to balance things on. This boy does not have good posture and would get a few smacks on the arse until he corrects it. Serving as a table is something a lot of boys find very relaxing. It means that they don't need to think about anything except keeping position. 

It was sooooo hard to find a picture of a man in this position so this will just have to do. Cat posture is another all fours position except the back is arched and the head is up. This pose is more for presentation than function. I love it because it makes for a beautiful presentation of the arse. Boys, practice this one as it will help with the flexibility of your spine. 


This is also called prayer position. Imagine praying to your goddess with your arse in the air and your head on the ground. You are not allowed to look at her because you are not worthy enough. Make sure your hands are out in front of you. It make the posture very pleasing. It accentuates the angles and curves of the body. It is easier on the knees and easier to maintain than the other all fours poses so it makes for a good position to keep subs in for a longer period of time. 

This is different from prostrate. Prostrate is more a display pose or a meditative pose. It is good to keep subs in poses like this 'just because'. This one however is a pose I think subs should use themselves if they want to ask for something. Chest remains off the ground and palms should be up. It is clearly an entreaty rather than a worshipful pose. 

This is another waiting pose. It is not one I use often. I would say it is more a mild punishment pose. It is a reminder that the boy is lower. Put in as physically low as you can to remind him of his place. This is a good position to put a boy in if he starts getting too cheeky. 

So boys those are the positions I want you to practice. And writing this has given me a good bit of inspiration because the guided masturbation I will post on my Patreon on Sunday will be an audio guide through these positions with instructions on touching your darling cock throughout. 


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