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Domination in the Workplace

Some of the most common power dynamics out there happen in the workplace. I've written some stories about bosses and assistants because they are the most obvious ones. However, power dynamics can occur in all areas of the workplace.  If you are in a team and your are all on the same level, power dynamics emerge as the more dominant personalities take over. In my team that is always the women. The guys are very talented and with a lot of invaluable ideas but most they are happy to let us lead the sessions. When tasks are being decided within the team they are very happy to do as they are told.  Another issue of unexpected power dynamics is when someone from another department comes in and they have much more knowledge of a situation than you do. So it makes sense to defer to their knowledge.  So now that that is over let's go into a nice little fantasy I had. Not quite a fully formed story yet but more than enough to illustrate my ideas of domination in the workplace. Obviously

Matriarchal Universes in Fiction

For someone who writes a lot of matriarchal fiction I don't read a lot of it. Why? Because there is practically none to read.  My question is why? Why are people so uncomfortable with this? We have so many historical and fantasy based fictional universes with patriarchal societies. I understand that we see realism in that because it reflects our own history but what is with the reluctance to write or publish matriarchal works? They seem to be most present in science fiction and even then it tends to be a dystopian future with ALL female societies rather than a hierarchy more reminiscent of what we saw in our own patriarchal history. The most famous example of an all female society being Wonder Woman's homeland of Themyscira. Not that I don't love this character and Amazons in general but this view of men as the enemy never really sat well with me.  The closest I ever found was  'A Brother's Price' by Wen Spencer . It is still a dystopian fiction but it is a func

Shopping for Female Dominated Valentine's Day

  Now, I have never been that into toys. I've never really felt as though I needed them. Femdom hasn't ever really been a matter of play to me, it's real. So a small part of me feels like introducing toys is introducing play.  But at the same time you can play within a femdom relationship. Role Play for example is something I'm really interest in because it creates a huge amount of potential for authority scenarios. And even though you don't need them, costumes and props can really help you immerse yourself in the role.  So more and more over the years I have gotten into toys. I especially like anal toys because there is nothing I love more than a boy's behind.  So if you are looking for a cheeky Valentine's day toy here are some of my favourites: Now here is a fun one that I will be using in my latest story. Butt plugs are really erotic for me. Not only does it provide both pleasure and discomfort for the wearer but there is something about it that seems to