Spanking One's Self for Boys/Long Distance Discipline

I created a guide for boys on disciplining themselves. It was not a how to guide, rather a step-by-step process to be followed as though the mistress is right there. 

The reason I discipline the boys in my life is because they thrive on the discipline. If certain aspects of their lives are controlled by a woman then their minds and bodies are freed up to focus on achieving what they want. So asking them to do it themselves kind of defeats the purpose. 

However, mistresses cannot always be present, and boys don't stop making mistakes just because a mistress isn't there. So what is the solution to this?

Here are four things you can do:

  1. Guide him in his punishment using a video call or phone call.
  2. Think of punishments that don't require you to be there and have him record himself doing them.
  3. Pre-record your voice ordering him to spank (or otherwise punish) himself.
  4. If you are lucky enough to know another dominant woman you could delegate the punishment to her.

I recommend that mistresses make pre-recorded punishment sessions but I will go through all the options:

  • Number one is fairly simple. All you have to do is set up a time for the call to take place but time constraints mean that this is not always possible. And God forbid you have to cancel. Cancelling discipline is not good for a boy. It could lead him to thinking he can get away with things. 
  • Number two is quite effective for mistresses who don't really on spanking too heavily. You as a mistress know your boy so you know what he likes, what he doesn't like, what he secretly likes but is ashamed of, and what he genuinely hates. So, for example, if he hates humiliation then maybe an appropriate dose of it will humble him. Army style punishments like push-ups can also be effective. However, I have a boy who relies on the physicality of punishment so I understand that this may not work all the time. 
  • Number three is probably the most effective option. You can know what your boy's common mistakes are and what punishments will work on him. It is good for him to perform punishments while a mistress's voice is in the background. If you want an example here is a link to my latest punishment guide.
  • This final one is really only effective if the boy is on board. Now, he can't just say no. You are the mistress and you are entitled to punish him however you see fit ... except for anything he has explicitly not consented to when you came up with your disciplinary arrangement. Of course the morality issue of forcing non-consensual acts on someone goes without saying, but I also happen to believe it is uneffective. If the boy is uncomfortable with the punishment on a deeper level then he will not be focusing on how he deserves it and how he can be better. If another mistress is invited to punish him and he truly doesn't like it then I don't recommend it. It could break vital trust. However, if he is on board and you are lucky enough to have a woman who is on board then this is a good option to consider. 

So, those are your options if you are not present to punish your boy and what with many people in the world still having to practice social distancing, I'm sure this information will be useful (except for Number 4, unless said woman happens to be living with your boy which is unlikely). I have had to employ methods 1, 2, and 3 to keep my boys in line. 

Are there any mistresses or boys out there who are having to deal with socially-distanced discipline? 

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