A Follow-up Spanking For My Boy

Do any boys out there receive follow-up spankings?


Usually, I believe that when a punishment is over it should be over. That is the whole point of clear cut consequences. Holding onto someone's past actions when they have already paid for them is nonsense, not to mention cruel. 

However, I do believe that follow-up spankings do have their place in discipline. The situation however, must meet one of these strict criteria in order to be administered:

  • A boy asks for a follow-up spanking and has good reason for wanting one (i.e. he believe he may slip up in the future)
  • Mistress believes he may slip up in the future. 
  • The behaviour is ongoing despite previous discipline surrounding the issue (though if this persists perhaps it's time to look at alternative methods).
  • The boy is feeling anxiety about his actions and needs a spanking to settle his mind (this is less punishment, more care)
In this particular case it was the last criteria I was dealing with. If you would like to know about the initial spanking please refer to the previous blog post here.

This boy I discipline is very sensitive and doesn't like people being angry with him. I make sure to reassure him after every spanking that after serving his punishment all is forgiven. However, sometimes he holds onto these worries (especially if the spanking has occurred with limited physical contact). So I knew after the initial spanking that a follow-up OTK session would calm him. 

I went to his house at the time I had set up and immediately told him that this wasn't further punishment but needed to be spanked because it is what I thought was good for him. He of course gave no argument. I didn't require him to be nude this time because it wasn't a severe and structured punishment like the last one 

Note to self: Do a post on how nudity affects a spanking.

I put him over my knee, pulling down his trousers and underwear, and told him that there was no counting required and no set time. I would stop when I thought he was ready. 

Because I wanted this spanking to be fairly comfortable, I sat on the couch and had him lie across my lap with his head ad one end of the couch and his feet at the other. I used my hand and spanked him liberally for a few minutes, before pausing to massage his bottom as it got redder. I then started spanking again until he started squirming. I again stopped and gave him time to settle (If this were a proper punishment I would have demanded more self-control from him but I allowed him to just feel my authority).

About 10 minutes in he started to sob quietly. I had seen this from him before and knew to just allow him to let it all out. All in all the spanking lasted around 20 minutes and I sent him for quiet corner time for a further 10 minutes. 

After I let him out of the corner I rubbed his bottom and asked him if he felt better. 

He said, "Yes Mistress. Thank-you for my spankings. Both of them. I've been wearing my mask when I'm supposed to. I'm sorry for being stupid."

I said, "You are not stupid. You are good at many things. But you are just a boy who needs guidance in many other areas."

I don't allow my boys to think of themselves as stupid or feel ashamed for needing discipline. As I said in my previous post, being responsible for one's own self-discipline all the time is challenging (especially if your not a personality type that allows it to come easily for you). 

Boys, don't be afraid to ask for discipline from a woman in your life. It doesn't even need to be spanking, just handing over some control can do wonders for your mental health. 

So my final word on follow-up spankings. They are punishments most of the time but they can be applied in a more merciful sense. Some boys need reassurance that you are not angry enough to withdraw your support and guidance. 

As always, it is up to the judgment of the mistress as to whether to apply follow-up spankings. 


  1. Some boys need the assurance that You will continue to discipline and control them as well. That spanking and uncomfortable things are Your duty and right to administer and that almost all boys need a steady dose to keep them on the track that both he and You have chosen..... hence follow up spankings can be very therapeutic to both parties....


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