A Boy Needed a Spanking Today

I have to say, it has been so long since I spanked an arse. I had forgotten how satisfying it is. Here are the things I love about it:

  • Seeing the skin change colour
  • Hearing the yelps and whimpers
  • Seeing the boy submit to the punishment
  • Feeling the weight of the implement or the sting on my hand
  • Hearing the apologies afterwards
  • Looking at my handiwork during corner time

So I am sure you are all dying for the story. I have two boys in my life who look to me for discipline. These are not sexual relationships, nor do I want them to be. However I do treasure them both, deeply. They are both boys who just need a little guidance in their life. Self-discipline can be stressful for some people. I personally take a great amount of pride and pleasure in my own self-discipline but I grant that it is not without its challenges. 

These boys are smart and responsible enough to realise that they don't have the capacity to be in charge of every aspect of their lives. So they submitted to my control and discipline and as a result lead extremely productive lives. 

I haven't been able to be very hands-on due to social distancing, but restrictions have been lifted.

So why did he need to be spanked?

In our country, face masks are worn in public indoor spaces (with exceptions such as restaurants). As you can imagine, some people have not been complying with these guidelines. My boy included. 

I, by chance, ran into him in a clothing store and sure enough his face was bare. I was not happy. People not following government guidelines, leads to spikes and I told him as much. He tried to argue that he was healthy so it didn't matter. I told him that he was being selfish and childish. He is young and healthy so he could be an asymptomatic carrier. What if he had the virus without knowing it and came across a vulnerable person?

He once again tried to defend himself but it was little more than stuttering at this point. 

I said, "If your face is going be bare then your arse is going to be bare too."

I told him I was coming to his house after dinner and I wanted him to be naked, with his face in the corner by the time I arrived. I could very clearly see that he was still sulking, so I knew I had my work cut out. 

Later that evening I arrived at his place and he had done as he was told. He has never been disobedient (I wouldn't have him if he were) but that doesn't mean he always agrees with his punishments. 

I told him to go and get me a belt. He came back sharply and he could tell by the look on my face that this was something I felt strongly about. So his sour expression softened slightly. I'm pretty sure he wanted an OTK spanking. When I am truly upset with him he usually wants physical closeness but that would be too much of a reward. 

I told him to bend over the chair, spread his legs and count his spanks. I ended up giving him 50 (not counting the quick warm-up spanking I gave him with my hand to prepare his skin). Between every 10 spanks I asked him a question and if he didn't give me the right answer he would get an extra ten. Luckily for him he only tripped up on number 2. So he ended up with 50 from the belt. 

  1. Why he was being spanked? (Because he wasn't wearing a mask)
  2. Why is it important to where a mask? (It means we are less likely to pass on the disease)
  3. Do you think you know better than medical experts and scientists? (No)
  4. Are you going to wear a mask in public spaces from now on? (Yes)

After his spanking he was crying and apologising. He asked if he could go over my knee for more. I denied him and sent him to the corner to reflect on what he had done and what he had learned. I left him there with his hands on his head for 20 minutes and took a picture of him. I then sent it to him through our private chat, labeling it 'Reminder'. 

Eventually I allowed him to come out of the corner. He begged again for an OTK spanking. I again said no because he hadn't proven to me yet that he was going to be responsible. So, to ensure he keeps this in mind I scheduled a follow-up spanking next week, telling him that if he had been a good boy he would get his next punishment over my knee. Check out the post I made on his follow-up spanking.

Listen to your mistresses boys. They know what if best for you. I welcome boys voicing their opinions but don't sulk if you have no reasonable argument to make beyond your own laziness and/or selfishness. 


  1. Lucky boy to have someone who cares about him and understands what is best for him...


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