
Showing posts from May, 2021

The Spanking Chronicles: Grabbing Ankles

Welcome to another issue of 'The Spanking Chronicles', a series where I look at the different positions and methods of spanking and break them down. I look at the effectiveness, appropriateness, and my own feelings about it before rating it. This week we are looking at bending over and grabbing one's ankles (or knees). Description: This position requires the spankee to almost fold in half. The must be standing and bend over as far as the can, steadying themselves by putting their hands on their ankles, knees or even the ground depending on flexibility and balance.  Effectiveness: This is an effective position as it gives the spanker a larger target area as it has the effect of slightly flattening out the arse to bring it more in line with the thighs. So this means you can give harder spankings with longer swings. Also, much like all fours there is no chance of hitting his back. Once again this is very dangerous for the kidneys. Also, while this is good for harder spankings

Spanking Chronicles: Bent Over

So we have reached part 4 of the Spanking Chronicles. Last week was one I don't believe many people think about but this week we are back to the familiar. This 'bent over' position is the one that involves an object. Grabbing ankles is a different one we will cover later. As usual I will give a description of the position, talk about it's effectiveness, appropriateness, and my own feeling regarding it before giving it a final rating.  Description: This position requires the spankee to be bent over something whether it be a couch, a chair, a counter, or anything else. It can be comfortable or uncomfortable depending on what one is bent over. The legs can be close together or spread wide apart. It is quite a versatile position.  Effectiveness: This is very effective especially as a punishment. It gives you unfettered access to the boy's ass. You can move around unencumbered and be as hard or soft as you like. It is an effective discipline position as he is not being h

Spanking Chronicles: Free Standing

Part 3 of the Spanking Chronicles is going to be covering the spanking position 'Free Standing'. This one is a little different from the others we've looked at and and you'll see why soon. As usual we are going to describe it and discuss its effectiveness, appropriateness, and my personal feelings on it.  Description: So this one is the rare spanking where the spankee has nothing to brace themselves again. They are just standing in place. (There are a few others like this but they are position holders and we'll cover them later). This one is just standing while getting spanked. There is less expectation for the spankee to stand still (which we will cover when we get to appropriateness). Movement is okay as long as they are not running away from their punishment. Appropriateness: This is not suitable for proper punishment spankings. This is usually only appropriate for if the boy needs a quick reminder or a sharp turn back to reality. If the infraction is mild then t

Spanking Chronicles: Hands and Knees

Welcome back to 'Spanking Chronicles'. Last time we went through the Over the Knee position, it's effectiveness, it's appropriateness and my personal feelings on it. This time we are going to do the same for the Hands and Knees position.  Description: The spankee will kneel on all fours, either on the floor or a piece of furniture. The spanker will stand or kneel behind them. This position is perfect for a wide range of implements. It can also be maintained for longer spankings especially if the hands and knees are on a comfortable surface. Effectiveness: This is probably the position that is the most effective for all boys. The position itself brings up instant images of submission. It can be very hard to see the spanker so the fear of the punishment is easy to build up. It is effective in teaching a boy obedience in the sense that he must focus on holding his position as well as taking his spanking. However, if you want to give him a break it is easy to let him sink i