
Showing posts from August, 2020

Spanking One's Self for Boys/Long Distance Discipline

I created a guide for boys on disciplining themselves. It was not a how to guide, rather a step-by-step process to be followed as though the mistress is right there.  The reason I discipline the boys in my life is because they thrive on the discipline. If certain aspects of their lives are controlled by a woman then their minds and bodies are freed up to focus on achieving what they want. So asking them to do it themselves kind of defeats the purpose.  However, mistresses cannot always be present, and boys don't stop making mistakes just because a mistress isn't there. So what is the solution to this? Here are four things you can do: Guide him in his punishment using a video call or phone call. Think of punishments that don't require you to be there and have him record himself doing them. Pre-record your voice ordering him to spank (or otherwise punish) himself. If you are lucky enough to know another dominant woman you could delegate the punishment to her. I recommend that

A Follow-up Spanking For My Boy

Do any boys out there receive follow-up spankings? Usually, I believe that when a punishment is over it should be over. That is the whole point of clear cut consequences. Holding onto someone's past actions when they have already paid for them is nonsense, not to mention cruel.  However, I do believe that follow-up spankings do have their place in discipline. The situation however, must meet one of these strict criteria in order to be administered: A boy asks for a follow-up spanking and has good reason for wanting one (i.e. he believe he may slip up in the future) Mistress believes he may slip up in the future.  The behaviour is ongoing despite previous discipline surrounding the issue (though if this persists perhaps it's time to look at alternative methods). The boy is feeling anxiety about his actions and needs a spanking to settle his mind (this is less punishment, more care) In t

A Boy Needed a Spanking Today

I have to say, it has been so long since I spanked an arse. I had forgotten how satisfying it is. Here are the things I love about it: Seeing the skin change colour Hearing the yelps and whimpers Seeing the boy submit to the punishment Feeling the weight of the implement or the sting on my hand Hearing the apologies afterwards Looking at my handiwork during corner time So I am sure you are all dying for the story. I have two boys in my life who look to me for discipline. These are not sexual relationships, nor do I want them to be. However I do treasure them both, deeply. They are both boys who just need a little guidance in their life. Self-discipline can be stressful for some people. I personally take a great amount of pride and pleasure in my own self-discipline but I grant that it is not without its challenges.  These boys are smart and responsible enough to realise that they don't have the capacity to be in charge of every aspect of their lives. So they submitted to my control